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Animal Production and Food Technology Degree Program

Course Details:

The Bachelor of Science Honours (BScHons) in Animal Production and Food Technology degree programme offered by the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka (UWU) is a unique degree programme to UWU which accomplishes SLQF Level 06. It is one among the five degree programmes offered by UWU at the time of its establishment in 2006 and the first batch of students graduated in 2010. The degree focuses on the production, management and value addition aspects of farm animal industry and food industry. The syllabus was prepared by going through individual consultations with eminent scientists, academics, government & non-government officials engaged in farm animal industry and food industry, researchers, industrialists etc. This program emphasizes on the theme of the UWU; “Value Addition”.

During the curriculum revision process, Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) and Subject Benchmark Statements in Livestock and Food Science and Technology were referred in preparation of graduate profile and attributes, programme outcomes, course specifications with ILOs, teaching & learning strategies and assessment strategies.

Graduates of BSc in Animal Production and Food Technology degree program will gain a comprehensive training both on theoretical and practical aspects of farm animal production and food technology.

Graduate Attributes


Graduates of BScHons in Animal Production and Food Technology will have in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of Farm Animal Production and Food Technology which can be applied in both local and global contexts.

Life Saving Training Programme 2020

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