Workshop on Research Indicators, Scholarly Publications and Research Management organized by the Library of UWU was held on February 12,2019 at the Main Computer Lab. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof.(Dr.). J.L. Ratnasekera, the Vice Chancellor with the presence of Deans of the Faculties, Registrar, Librarian and Bursar. The Main objective of the workshop was to brainstorm on how to enhance research and publication output in the era of modern technology. The workshop covered various topics related to Research Indicators, Reference Management tools, Plagiarism control, Citation Databases, Copyright, Intellectual Property Rights, Journal Selection Tools and Open Online Resources for Research. The participants were provided hands-on practice on the use of many databases and software. Workshop was conducted by 04 eminent resource personal who came from India. There were 104 participants from 07 universities of Sri Lanka, National Science Foundation and UWU. Attendees characterized the workshop as very useful, very effective and targeting the right areas to enhance quality and quantum of research and publication. They were highly satisfied with workshop resource personal and the topics discussed. The workshop was coordinated by Dr.T.Pratheepan, Senior Assistant Librarian.
Workshop on Research Indicators and Scholarly Publications