Plantation Agriculture
The plantation crop sector in Sri Lanka is a significant pillar of the nation’s economy, encompassing a diverse range of major and minor crops. Major crops include tea, coconut, and rubber, which have long been staples of the country’s agricultural output.

Plantation agriculture holds a pivotal role in shaping Sri Lanka’s economic landscape and sustaining the livelihoods of its people. It presents a vibrant array of crops that not only meet domestic demands but also cater to international markets, thereby reinforcing Sri Lanka’s position in the global agricultural arena.

As we embark on this conference track, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of this crucial sector. We aim to uncover the opportunities that lie ahead and address the challenges that could impact its future growth and sustainability under the following aspects. This exploration will provide valuable insights into the potential of plantation agriculture in Sri Lanka and its role in driving the nation’s economic progress. Key areas and themes:
  • Tea and Rubber Production and Processing
  • Coconut and Oil Palm Production and Processing
  • Spice and beverage crop production and processing
  • Potential Plantation Crop Production and Processing
  • Agroforestry and Cropping Systems
  • Resource Management in Plantations
  • Factory Machinery and energy management in Plantations
  • Plantation crop-based value addition and product development
  • Sustainable Plantation Management

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