Keynote Speaker


Prof. Rangika Halwatura

Professor Rangika Halwathura, a renowned academic and a researcher within the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa and his expertise, knowledge and experience spanning from sustainable materials and design, green technology, construction management, structural designing, project planning and monitoring, computer-aided server-based project planning and monitoring, forensic engineering, and Building Information Modeling (BIM).

During the period from April 2019 to August 2021, Professor Halwathura served as the Commissioner of the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission, a role that underscored his commitment to innovation and advancement. His visionary contributions in this capacity have left an indelible mark on the landscape of invention and creativity.

Beyond borders, Professor Halwathura's influence extends as a Visiting Professor at the esteemed Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russia. His global reach and collaborations have fostered international cooperation and the exchange of cutting-edge knowledge.

Additionally, Professor Halwathura's eminence is further highlighted through his role as Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the Urban Settlement and Development Authority under the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing.

His impressive array of publishing includes 56 peer-reviewed journal publications, two books, one book chapter and 125 abstracts and extended abstracts in conference proceedings.

Professor Rangika Halwathura's contributions to the fields of innovation and intellectual property are nothing short of remarkable. He has 15 national and international patents and three industrial designs to date. Additionally, he also holds a prestigious Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patent.

Professor Rangika Halwathura has received invitations to participate in significant events and conferences in various capacities: Keynote speaker, guest speaker and resource person.

Furthermore, Professor Rangika Halwathura has provided exemplary mentorship and guidance to a substantial number of aspiring scholars. His dedication to academic leadership is evidenced by his supervision of nearly 80 master's and Ph.D. students.

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