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Composition of Quality Assurance Cells

Faculty Quality Assurance Cell – Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture

No Name Designation Representation
1 Dr. (Ms.) R.M.H. Tharangani Senior Lecturer (Gr II) Coordinator of the FQAC/FASEA
2 Prof. K.G. Premathilake Professor Representative/Tea Technology and Value Addition Degree Programme (TEA)
3 Dr. (Ms.) N.M.N. Nambapana Senior Lecturer (Gr I) Representative/Animal Production and Food Technology Degree Programme (APFT)
4 Dr. G.A.A.R. Perera Senior Lecturer (Gr II) Representative/ Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition Degree Programme (PLT)
5 Dr. (Ms.) U.G.A.T. Premathilake Senior Lecturer (Gr II) Representative/ Export Agriculture Degree Programme (EAG)
6 Ms. R.M.G.N Rajapaksha Senior Lecturer (Gr II) Representative/Aquatic Resources Technology Degree Programme (AQT)
7 Ms. B.B.T.H. Denuwan Assistant Registrar/ FASEA Convener of the FQAC/ FASEA
8 Ms. G.D. Weerawanni Student Student Representative/ Export Agriculture Degree Programme (EAG)
9 Ms. M.T.G.S.P. Wickramasinghe Student Student Representative/ Palm & Latex Technology and Value Addition Degree Programme (PLT)
10 Ms. W.C.P. Gunarathna Student Student Representative/ Tea Technology and Value Addition Degree Programme (TEA)
11 Ms. K.M.H.H.K. Kulasekara Student Student Representative/ Animal Production and Food Technology Degree Programme (APFT)
12 Ms. P.A.D.H.O. Arthanayake Student Student Representative/ Aquatic Resources Technology Degree Programme (AQT)

Faculty Quality Assurance Cell – Faculty of Applied Sciences

No Name Designation Representation
1 Dr. W.D.C.C. Wijerathne Senior Lecturer (Gr II) Coordinator of the FQAC/Representative of Science and Technology Degree Programme (SCT)
2 Dr. A.A.G.D. Amarasooriya Senior Lecturer (Gr I) Representative of Mineral Resources and Technology Degree Programme (MRT)
3 Ms. T. Rajeetha Lecturer (Probationary) Representative of Industrial Information Technology degree programme(IIT)
4 Mr. M.N.T. Nandasena Lecturer (Probationary) Representative of Computer Science and Technology Degree Programme (CST)
5 Mr. E.Basnagala Assistant Registrar/ FAS Convener of the FQAC/ FAS
6 Mr. D.M.C.D. Gunarathna Student Student Representative of Computer Science and Technology Degree Programme (CST)
7 Ms. K.A.S. Hasangana Student Student Representative of Industrial Information Technology degree programme(IIT)
8 Ms. U.I.W. Darmabandu Student Student Representative of Science and Technology Degree Programme (SCT)
9 Mr. V. Meegahapola Student Student Representative of Mineral Resources and Technology Degree Programme (MRT)

Faculty Quality Assurance Cell – Faculty of Management

No Name Designation Representation
1 Ms C.P. Dhanthanaryana Lecturer – Unconfirmed Coordinator of the FQAC
2 Ms T.G.A.H.C. Amarawansha Lecturer (Probationary) Coordinator of Department of Management Sciences
3 Ms K.M.N. Jeewanthi Lecturer Temporary Assistant Coordinator of Department of Management Sciences
4 Ms P.G.S.S. Pattiaygedara Lecturer (Probationary) Coordinator of Department of Tourism Studies
5 Ms G.H.V. Harshani Lecturer (Probationary) Assistant Coordinator of Department of Tourism Studies
6 Mr D.C. Wijeseakara Lecturer (Probationary) Coordinator of Department of Public Administration
7 Ms K.A.E.R.S.V. Jayawardane Lecturer (Probationary) Assistant Coordinator of Department of Public Administration
8 Ms H.H.S.U. Samarakoon Lecturer (Probationary) Coordinator of Department of English Language Teaching
9 Mr K.A.S.D. Kuruppuarachchi Assistant Registrar/ FOM Convener of the FQAC/ FOM
10 S.A.K. Tennakoon Student Student Representative of Department of Tourism Studies
11 U.A.L. Fernando Student Student Representative Department of Public Administration
12 P.A.U.S. Bandara Student Student Representative of Department of Tourism Studies

Faculty Quality Assurance Cell – Faculty of Technological Studies

No Name Designation Representation
1 Dr. (Ms.) K.M.G. Menaka M. Kariyawasam Senior Lecturer (Grade II) Coordinator of the FQAC
2 Mr. J.A.L. Naveendra Lecturer (Probationary) Coordinator of Department of Biosystems Technology
3 Mr. W.M. C.J.T. Kithulwatta Lecturer Temporary Assistant Coordinator of Information and Communication Technology
4 Eng. (Mr.) P.G.S.R. Wijethunga Lecturer (Probationary) Coordinator of Engineering Technology
5 Ms. M. Thananthika Assistant Registrar/ FOM Convener of the FQAC/ FOM
6 Ms. A.H.C. Jayamini Student Student Representative of Department of Engineering Technology
7 Mr. S. Thushanthan Student Student Representative Department of Biosystems Technology
8 Mr. Thamindu Rathnayake Student Student Representative of Department of Information and Communication Technology

Internal Quality Assurance Cell – Post Graduate Unit (PGU)

No Name Designation Representation
1 Dr. M.A.R.L. Samaraweera Director PGU
2 Prof. E.D.N.S. Abeyrathne Coordinator QAC/PGU
3 Dr. R.M.H. Tharangani Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
4 Dr. W.D.C.C. Wijerathna Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Applied Sciences
5 Ms. C.P. Danthanarayana Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Management
6 Dr. K.M.G.M.M. Kariyawasam Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Technological Studies
7 Mr. E. Basnagala Assistant Registrar Convener of the QAC/PGU
8 Mr. N.P.P. Liyanage Board of Study Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
9 Prof. D.K.D.D. Jayasena Board of Study Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
10 Dr. D.C. Mudannayake Board of Study Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
11 Dr. M.G.P.P. Mahindarathne Board of Study Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
12 Dr. J.T. Cooray Board of Study Faculty of Applied Sciences
13 Dr. I.D. Sinhalage Board of Study Faculty of Applied Sciences
14 Dr. M.A.S.R. Senevirathna Board of Study Faculty of Applied Sciences
15 Dr. K.P.P.S. Pathirana Board of Study Faculty of Applied Sciences
16 Dr. K.H.I.K. Hewavitharana Board of Study Faculty of Management Technology Studies
17 Ms. T.G.A.H.C. Amarawansha Board of Study Faculty of Management Sciences

Internal Quality Assurance Cell – Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CODL)

No Name Designation Representation
1 Dr. I.D.Singhalage Coordinator of the QAC CODL
2 Dr. R.M.H. Tharangani Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
3 Dr. W.D.C.C. Wijerathna Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Applied Sciences
4 Ms. C.P. Danthanarayana Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Management
5 Dr. K.M.G.M.M. Kariyawasam Faculty Coordinator Faculty of Technological Studies
6 Dr. B.V.A.S.M. Bambaranda BOS EDPs and Ex. C. Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
7 Asso. Prof. D.T. Udagedara BOS – on Sciences Faculty of Applied Sciences
8 Dr. E.M.U.W.J.B. Ekanayake BOS – on Computer Sciences Faculty of Applied Sciences
9 Prof. P.I.N. Fernando BOS – EDPs and Ex. C. Faculty of Management

Library Quality Assurance Cell – Library

No Name Position Representation
1 Dr. T Pratheepan Acting Librarian Library
2 Dr. KMRK Kulatunga Coordinator Library Quality Assurance Cell
3 Dr. RMH Tharangani Quality Assurance Coordinator Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
4 Dr. WDCC Wijerathna Quality Assurance Coordinator Faculty of Applied Sciences
5 Ms. CP Danthanayana Quality Assurance Coordinator Faculty of Management
6 Dr. KMGMM Kariyawasam Quality Assurance Coordinator Faculty of Technological Studies
7 Ms. HGPSC Dilhani Assistant Registrar Library Services-Convener
8 Ms. E.R.M.S. Ekanayake Student Representative Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture
9 Ms. G.M.S.S. Gunawardhana Student Representative Faculty of Applied Sciences
10 Ms. R.S. Ferdinand Student Representative Faculty of Management
11 Mr. P.P.P. Perera Student Representative Faculty of Technology Studies

Internal Quality Assurance Cell – Administration and Finance

No Name Designation Representation
1 Mr. A.J.M.D.N.B. Nawela Deputy Registrar GA (Chairman)
2 Mr. K.G. Liyanage Deputy Bursar Stores & Supplies
3 Mr. E. Basnagala Assistant Registrar Faculty of Applied Sciences
4 Mr. K.A.S.D. Kuruppuarachchi Assistant Registrar Human Resources
5 Mr. D.T.S. Geethdev Assistant Bursar Payment
6 Ms. E.P.M. Samaranayake Assistant Internal Auditor Internal Audit Division
7 Ms. B.B.T.H. Denuwan Assistant Registrar FASEA, Convener