Tel: +94 55 2226622

Centre for Quality Assurance

“Ensuring Excellence, Fostering Quality: Nurturing a Culture of Academic Distinction at Uva Wellassa University through the Center for Quality Assurance (CQA)”

Meeting Shedule


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Guidelines & Policies


Impotent Links


CQA News

CQA Functions

QA of the study programmes

Monitoring & Awareness on QA

  • Monitoring of QA activities in University and providing necessary guidance and assistance to uplift the status of University.
  • Organizing awareness programs in collaboration with the Staff Development Centre for capacity building and promoting QA culture within the different operational entities in University

QA of the study programmes

Aid for Executive Administration

  • Scrutinizing all relevant documentations, where appropriate, for quality compliance prior to submission to approving authorities. This shall include but not limited to new and revised curricula, proposals on development projects, and review reports.
  •  Incorporating Quality and QA aspects in the Institution’s Corporate Plan.

QA of the study programmes

Implementation of Programmes

  •  Facilitating the creation of outcome-based education and student-centered learning. Facilitating External Reviews such as Institutional review (IR) and Programme Reviews (PRs) conducted by QAC at University by assisting in preparing Self Evaluation Reports (SERs). Implementing QA Reviews/Audit and follow-up actions.

QA of the study programmes

Define and Maintain QA Standards

  • The Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) shall commit to establish, a vibrant mechanism to maintain and continuously improve the quality standards of all academic programs, research and services of University.
  • Developing standards and benchmarks for various academic and administrative activities of University.

QA of the study programmes

Develop & Maintain By-Laws

  • Developing By-Laws that would define operational procedures for governance and Management of the respective CQAs and gaining approval from the Senate and Council of University.
  • Ensuring academic regulations/By-Laws are in place, if not make recommendations for remedial action.

QA of the study programmes

Effective Functioning FQACs & Centers

  • Encouraging different operational entities of University to identify and share good practices.
  • Preparing QA-related guidelines and manuals for use within University (e.g. Academic regulations, equipment manuals, laboratory manuals).

QA of the study programmes

Maintain Good Practice & QA Guidelines

  • Establishing QA cells at different Faculties, Administration & Finance Divisions, and other operational entities and defining their duties and responsibilities.

QA of the study programmes

Facilitating for Reviews

  • Guiding and assisting the program offering entities i.e. Departments, Faculties and Centres of University to define program objectives, program outcomes, graduate profiles aligning with the QA guidelines and support continuous quality improvement.

QA of the study programmes

Liaise with the UGC/QAC

  • Liaise with the Quality Assurance Council of University Grants Commission QAC/UGC and other external quality assurance agencies as well as relevant international agencies.

Impotent Links

University Grants Commission – Sri Lanka


QAC of the University Grants Commission


Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN)


INQAAHE | International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education
