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Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, has initiated to launch “Journal of Agriculture and Value Addition (JAVA)”, which intends to make significant advances in the research on value addition in agriculture including crops, livestock, aquaculture, and fisheries. Research papers are welcomed throughout the year from all relevant and [...]
Mahapola Scholarship Students List (Batch Year 2013/2014) - Download
Department of Computer Science and Technology along with the UNDP carried out ‘unlocked offline’ programme as the first step towards the Hackathon, which is planned to be held during the month of December, 2015. HackaDev is a Hackathon competition that aims at developing Information Technology (IT) solutions to the issues of Uva Province. In this [...]
The Department of Computer Science and Technology of Uva Wellassa University commenced Certificate Courses on ‘Java Application Development and Web Designing’. The main objective of such enormous programme is to develop the Information Technology (IT) literacy of the youth in Uva Province. The Inauguration Ceremony was held on October 24, 2015 at the University auditorium [...]
A workshop targeting to develop and promote University Business Linkages (UBL) was conducted during September 10 – 13, 2015 with collaboration of GIZ Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Development Programme. Having approved by the University Grant Commission of Sri Lanka, Mr. Alfredo Suvelza who is a GOPA/GIZ expert on SME Development as well as a [...]
The Working Committee on Agricultural Education of Uva Agriculture Development Forum (UADF) conducted one day workshop for the school teachers who engage in Agricultural Science of G.C.E. O/L and G.C.E. A/L syllabi. The workshop was held on September 12, 2015 at Uva Wellassa University with the collaboration of Zonal Education Office, Badulla. The main objective [...]
Uva Wellassa University and Kurunegala Plantation Limited signed an agreement on September 01, 2015, in accordance with a mutual desire, to promote the Coconut Industry by working cooperatively and sharing the knowledge & skills, resources, and experience. Activities to be undertaken after this agreement will hopefully contribute to produce graduates who are competent, innovative, self-driven [...]
‘Corn Festival’ (alias “Corn Fiesta”) is an annual event organized by the students who are specializing in Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology under B.Sc. in Science and Technology degree programme. This event is dedicated to showcase the corn based food items developed by the students aiming to popularize the consumption of corn in Sri Lanka. [...]