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News and Events

Department of Tourism Studies of Uva Wellassa University Signed the Agreement for Erasmus + Grant on CESTour Project

Department of Tourism Studies of Uva Wellassa University Signed the Agreement for Erasmus + Grant on CESTour Project

(Centers of excellence in sustainable tourism to boost economic development and enhance university-business cooperation in Southern Asia) Department of Tourism Studies of Uva Wellassa University has won 71,839 EURO worth Erasmus + grant on CESTour project for the Sustainable Tourism Development in the country and the contract was signed by the Prof. J.L. Ratnasekera, the […]

The Public Sector Best Annual Reports & Accounts Awards 2020

The Public Sector Best Annual Reports & Accounts Awards 2020
The Uva Wellassa University was awarded the Certificate of Compliance in the "Best Annual Report & Accounts Awards - 2020" organized by the Association of Public Finance Accountants of Sri Lanka (APFASL), the Public Sector Wing of CA Sri Lanka. The awarding ceremony was held on February 22, 2021 at the BMICH. The event was [...]

Faculty of Management signs MoU with the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing

Faculty of Management signs MoU with the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing
The Faculty of Management, Uva Wellassa University recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), to offer a gold medal and a scholarship for the Bachelor of Business Management in Entrepreneurship and Management degree programme. The MoU was signed by SLIM Treasurer/Chairman, Dr. Jayantha Dewasiri and the Vice chancellor [...]

Achievement of Ms.S.P.N.P. Subasinghe and Mr. R.C. Prasad

Achievement of Ms.S.P.N.P. Subasinghe and Mr. R.C. Prasad
Ms. S.P.N.P. Subasinghe and Mr. R.C. Prasad have won the awards for The Most Creative Narrated Article and The Most Scientific Article respectively at “TRACTATE 2020”,the International Article Writing Competition on “Health Security through Food in the Light of COVID-19” which was organized by the Association of Food Science and Technology, University of Sri Jayawardanapura. [...]

Launching the Inaugural Issue of the Magazine “HARVEST”

Launching the Inaugural Issue of the Magazine “HARVEST”
Department of Export Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture, Uva Wellassa University proudly celebrates the launch of the inaugural issue of the magazine, “HARVEST”. The magazine, “HARVEST” will be published biannually in months of June and December. The Department of Export Agriculture initiated this magazine with the aim of improving creativity and written [...]

Ms.S.B.M.H.M.Mahindarathna was awarded in ICFA2020

Ms.S.B.M.H.M.Mahindarathna was awarded in ICFA2020
Ms.S.B.M.H.M.Mahindarathna was awarded as the best poster presenter of the session; Feeding and Nutrition in Aquaculture, 7th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020 which was organized by the International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) held on 26th- 27th November2020. Ms.S.B.M.H.M.Mahindarathna was a student of Department of Animal Science, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka. Department [...]

“Let’s Plant Trees for a Better Environment 2021”

“Let’s Plant Trees for a Better Environment 2021”
Uva Wellasa University (UWU) contributed towards another noble need to save the planet by planting the Sri Lankan National Trees (Na Tree) in Muthiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya, Badulla.  Rev. Polommaruwe Wachissara Thero inaugurated the occasion together with Professor JL Ratnasekera Vice Chancellor, Mr. MF Hibathul Careem Registrar, Dr. T. Pratheepan Acting Librarian, Mr. Nishantha Nawela [...]

UWU Organised Two Tree Planting Programmes on 26.11.2020 & 03.12.2020

UWU Organised Two Tree Planting Programmes on 26.11.2020 & 03.12.2020
Tree planting program has been organized due to remove trees for constructing of Badulla- Chenkaladi road. District Forest Office, Badulla supported to organize the program and location is Landslide area of the University.  Said area will be developed as Medicinal Park, Fruit Garden and Leisure Park.   Vice Chancellor , District Forest Officer, Dean Faculty [...]

Mr. E.C.N. Rathnapala was selected for receiving a Faculty Award – ANS 2018/2019

Mr. E.C.N. Rathnapala was selected for receiving a Faculty Award – ANS 2018/2019
As per the evaluation made by an Expertise Panel recommended by the Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture, Mr. E.C.N. Rathnapala (UWU/ANS/15/038) was selected for receiving a Faculty Award with respect to the Academic Year 2018/2019 representingthe Bachelor of Animal Science Honours degree programme. The evaluation was conducted based on both academic performance and [...]