As per the evaluation made by an Expertise Panel recommended by the Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture, Mr. E.C.N. Rathnapala (UWU/ANS/15/038) was selected for receiving a Faculty Award with respect to the Academic Year 2018/2019 representingthe Bachelor of Animal Science Honours degree programme. The evaluation was conducted based on both academic performance and [...]
Ms. Chamodi Wewelwala has won the 3rd place at “THE QUIZIST” online quiz game which was organized by Association of Food Science and Technology, University of Sri Jayawardanapura held on 12th September 2020. Over 50 undergraduates were participated for the 1st round representing many state universities of the country. After 3 successful rounds Ms. Chamodi [...]
“Opportunities to Take Pride in Contribution to Economic Development through Value Addition to Agricultural and Related Resources” Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture, UvaWellassa University expects to introduce new External Programmes related to Agriculture and Related Disciplines based on the demand. Following links will provide you to give your feedback for the questionnaire [...]
The team “Aquatic Resources Technology” representing the Aquatic Resources Technology Degree Programme of Uva wellassa University won the 2nd place in IOBSL Inter University Biology Challenge 2020 under the theme of “Sustainable solutions to face the challenges of the COVID-l9 crisis and beyond”. The competition was organized by the Institute of Biology Sri Lanka (IOBSL). [...]
The 6th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Uva Agriculture Development Forum (UADF) was held on September 16, 2020 in the presence of its membership. The meeting was commenced at 2.00 p.m. at the Main Lecture Theatre of Uva Wellassa University. Prof. H.M.S.K. Herath, Dean, Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture briefed the objectives of [...]
A special meeting was held on September 01, 2020 to discuss about the contribution that Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture (FASEA), Uva Wellassa University can make for developing agriculture sector of Uva region. As collaborators, officials of Ministry of Agriculture (Uva) and related institutions visited the University. The discussion was held as an [...]
The Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture will commence Online Delivery of Courses of the Year II/III Semester I for all five degree programmes of the Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture with effect from May 26, 2020. Relevant information will be communicated through VLE facility. Time Tables – Actg. Dean Faculty of […]
The Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture has taken initiatives to launch Online Delivery of courses of the Year IV Semester I for all five degree programmes of the Faculty, with effect from May 04, 2020. Relevant information will be communicated through VLE facility. Commencement of online delivery for the other undergraduates of the [...]
Department of Export Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science and Export Agriculture organized an Academic Session (Academic Session 2020) for the first time as a collaborative event with the support of AHEAD project (ELTA-ELSE DPs). The event was held on February 06, 2020 at the University Premises. The Academic Session 2020 provided a scientific platform for [...]
Ms. S.M.D.R.R. Senarathne, 3rd year student of the Export Agriculture Degree Programme, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka received the first place in the Inter-University Business Plan Competition - BIZ MINDZ 2019 organized by Young Entrepreneurs Association (YEA) of the University of Kelaniya. This annual competition is held to recognize the novel, creative and innovative [...]