Staff - Faculty of Technological Studies
Deans Office

Professor Kolitha B. Wijesekara
BSc (Hon.)(Peradeniya),
M.Phil. (Peradeniya),
Dr. Sc. Agr. (Gottingen, Germany),
Email- kolitha@uwu.ac.lk, Kolitha85@hotmail.com
Phone - (+94) 552226668

Assistant Registrar
Ms. M.Thananthika
Email- thananthika@uwu.ac.lk
Academic Staff - Department of Biosystems Technology

Head of the Department
Dr. K.G.C. Senarathna
Senior Lecturer (Gr II)
BSc Chemistry (University of Peradeniya)
PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(University of Peradeniya)
Research Interest :
- Electrochemistry
- Catalyst
- Solar cell
- Fuel cells
- Anticorrosive paints
- Superhydrophobic surface
- Microcontroler applications
Email- chathuranga@uwu.ac.lk
Phone -(+94) 552226669

Professor Kolitha B. Wijesekara
Dean, Faculty of Technological Studies
BSc (Hon.)(Peradeniya),
M.Phil. (Peradeniya),
Dr. Sc. Agr. (Gottingen, Germany),
Research Interest
- Plant Biotechnology
- Biomaterials
- Plant nutrition’s and breeding
- Natural products of chemistry
Email- kolitha@uwu.ac.lk
Phone - (+94) 552226668

Dr. N.M.C.Nayanakantha
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
Botany (Sp.) (Pera., SL)
MSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (G.B. Pant Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Pantnagar, India)
PhD in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India)
Research Interest
- Molecular Biology
- biotechnology and physiology leading to biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants
- in vitro propagation and seed science

Dr. K.H.I.K. Hewavitharana
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Chemistry (Pera., SL)
PhD in Chemistry (WSU, USA)
Research Interest
- Nanobiosensors
- Materials Science
- Li-Ion batteries
- Alcohol fuel cells
- Biomaterials
- Biochemistry
- Natural product technology
- Biofuel cells
Email- indika.h@uwu.ac.lk

Dr. K.M.G.M.M.Kariyawasam
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Agriculture specialized in Food Science and Technology (Ruh. SL)
MSc. in Food Science and Technology (PGIA, Pera. SL.)
PhD (Food Sci. & Biotech. of Ani. Res.) (Konkuk Uni., Seoul, Korea)
Research Interest
- Novel probiotic characterization,
- Functional food products/nutraceuticals
- Bioactive peptides
- Antibiofilm activity

Lecturer (Transitional Grade)
Chemistry (Perad.)
M.Sc. in Chemistry (Temple University- USA)
PhD in Chemistry (Temple University- USA)
Research Interest
- Materials Chemistry
- Nanomaterials synthesis
- Photocatalysis
- electrocatalysis
- CO2 reduction
Email- sasitha@uwu.ac.lk

Eng. W. A.J. Anurangi
Lecturer (Probationary)
(on Study Leave)
BSc (Hons) Engineering
Research Interest
- Renewable energy
- Energy management
- Green technology

Mr. J.K.H. Samapth
Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc (Hons) Statistics
M.Sc. in Applied Statistics (Reading)
Research Interest
- Statistical Modeling
- Financial Statistics
- Time Series Modeling
Email- hasitha@uwu.ac.lk

Mr. Lahiru Naveendra
Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc (Hons) Physics
Research Interest
- Mechatronics
- Robotics
- Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Modeling
- AC power
- Optical Character Recognition.

Ms. N.G.D.N. Nikagolla
Lecturer (Temporary)
B.Sc (Hons), Botany
M.Phil. in Plant Science
Research Interest
- Plant Biotechnology
- Tissue Culture
- Plant Physiology
- Pathology
Email- nn.dinusha@yahoo.com

Ms. M.H.T.K. Chandrasiri
Lecturer (Temporary)
BSc Export Agriculture majoring food Processing Technology
MSc Food and Nutrition (Reading)
Research Interest
- Novel food product development and Value addition
- Food Nutrition
- Functional Foods
Email- thilinichandrasiri22@gmail.com

Mr. T.S. Wickramarathne
BSc (Sp) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Colombo
Research Interest
- Biochemistry
Email- tharusaha21@gmail.com

Ms. G.M.S.K. Kularathne
BSc (Hons) Export Agriculture Majoring Food Procesing Technology, Uva Wellassa Univesity
Research Interest
- Food Microbiology and Biotechnology
- New Product development
Email- kularathnesachini@gmail.com

Ms. I.K.N.C.K. Rathnayake
BSc in Biological Science, Eastern University
MSc. in Analytical Chemistry (PGIS, Perad. SL)
Research Interest
- Electrochemical methods
- Natural products and Biomaterials
- Biochemistry
Email : nayomi08mea@gmail.com

Ms. C.D. Kottage
BSc (Sp) in Environmental Science, University of Jaffna
MSc in Experimental Biotechnology (Reading), (PGIS, Perad. SL)
Research Interest
- Limnology
- Natural Resource Management
- Biochemistry
Email : chamali.hasika@gmail.com

Mr. H.M. I. Abayarathne
BSc (Sp) in Environmental Science (Perad.)
MSc in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Reading),(PGIS,Perad.)
Email : indunilabeyarathna@gmail.com
Academic Staff - Department of Engineering Technology

Head of the Department
Dr. Y.N.S. Wijewardana
Senior Lecturer (Gr II)
BSc (Peradeniya)
MPhil ((Peradeniya)
PhD (Japan)
Research Interest
- Technology and innovation
- Environment Engineering
Email: senani@uwu.ac.lk
Phone -(+94) 552226667

Dr. (Eng.) G.W.R. Keerthiwansa
Senior Lecturer (Gr II)
B.Sc (Eng.), (Peradeniya), Post.Grad.Diploma (En. Tech.), (Moratuwa)
M.Sc.(Eng.), (Hannover, Germany), Ph.D. (Zlin, Czech Republic)
Research Interest
- Manufacturing Processes
- Polymer Processing
Email: rohitha@uwu.ac.lk

Dr. (Eng.) H. M. C. M. Herath
Senior Lecturer (Gr II)
PhD (USQ, Australia)
MEng (Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)
BSc Eng (Hons) (Ruhuna, Sri Lanka)
Research Interest
- Sustainable Manufacturing
- Smart Materials and Structures
- Structural Health Monitoring
Email: madhubhashitha@uwu.ac.lk

Eng. G.A.A.I.Tennakoon
Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc Engineeing (Hons)
Research Interest
- Non Destructive Testing, Metallurgy
- Sustainable Engineering, Polymer Engineering
Email: asangit@uwu.ac.lk

Eng. L.K. Ekanayake
Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc Engineering (Hons)
Research Interest
- Multivariable controls
- Nonlinear controls
- Smart grid
- Distributed control systems
- Embedded systems
Email: ekanayake@uwu.ac.lk

Eng. P.G.S.R. Wijetunga
Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc Eng. (Hons) (Ruhuna)
MSc (Agder, Norway)
Research Interest
- Mechatronics
- Renewable Energy
- Internet of Things
- Autonomous Technologies

Eng S.D.R. Lakmal
Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc Engineeing (Hons)
Research Interest
- Additive Manufacturing, Product Design and Development
Email: lakmalraminda@gmail.com

Eng. H.A.N.B Amarasiri
Lecturer (Probationary)
(on Study Leave)
BSc Engineering (Hons)
Research Interest
- Robotics
- Image processing
- Control and dynamics
Email: nalaka@uwu.ac.lk

Eng. U.M.N. Jayawickrema
Lecturer (Probationary)
(on Study Leave)
BSc Engineering (Hons)
Research Interest
- Thermodynamics
- Renewable Energy Engineering
- Structural Health Monitoring
Email: minol@uwu.ac.lk

Eng. J.M.N. Jayaweera
Lecturer (Probationary
(on Study Leave)
BSc Engineering(Hons)
- Research and developmentStudy functional and structural application of the ceramic
- Production and planning work in the field of materials Science and Engineering,
- Metal and joining method of materials
- polymer
Email :eng.jayaweera@gmail.com

Eng. T.D. Gunawansha
Lecturer (Probationary)
(on Study Leave)
BScEngineering (Hons)
Research Interest
- Green Technology, Ground water, Water quality modeling
- Surface water and soil pollution, Solid waste management
- Waste water treatment and disposal
- Utilization of waste material for road/highway pavement construction Integrated project Management system
Email: thakshila@uwu.ac.lk

Eng. H.G.C.R.Laksiri
Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc Eng. (Hons) (Peradeniya),
MSc Eng. (Peradeniya),
MPhil (Reading, Peradeniya)
- Advanced Control Systems
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Image Processing
- Mechatronics
Email :laksiri@uwu.ac.lk

Mr. P.N. Dissanayake
BTech- Materials Science& Technology
MPhil in Physical Sciences (Reading)
Research Interests: Dye-sensitized solar cells, Perovskite solar cells, Supercapacitors
Email: pubudunuwan5@gmail.com

Mr. W.G.K.P. Gamage
Demonstrator (Temporary)

Ms. I. P. Dharmathilaka
Demonstrator (Temporary)

Mr. P.M Dahanayake
Demonstrator (Temporary)

Ms. Sanjeewani U.U.
Demonstrator (Temporary)
Technical Staff

Ms. R.R De Silva
Technical officer (Chemistry)

Mr. M.J. Rishan
Technical officer (Physics)

Mr. A.C.P Aththaragama
Technical officer (Biology)

Mr I.P.K Ranasinghe
Lab Attendant (Chemistry)

Mr P.S.S.Bandara
Lab Attendant (Physics)

Mr. L.A .B.S.E Stanly
Lab Attendant (Physics)