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Tea Technology and Value Addition Degree Program


Having identified the greater need for revitalization of the tea sector in Sri Lanka, Uva Wellassa University introduced Tea Technology and Value Addition degree program in the year 2008. It has been designed to produce graduates with specialized knowledge in tea industry and practical skills in exploring the opportunities in value addition with the aim of uplifting the Sri Lankan tea industry to strive in the competitive world market.

This degree is a four year specialized program comprising eight semesters. Students are offered essential skills and broad general education as a foundation. Students will be given creeper training in tea plantations for about three months in the third year. In addition, an industrial training will also be offered in the final year to enable them to get the experience in private or public sector.

Program Attributes

  • To provide in depth scientific knowledge for proper assessment of Sri Lankan tea sector
  • To offer students with specialized knowledge in relevant subjects through theoretical studies and practical training.
  • To promote innovative value addition approaches to develop tea sector in Sri Lanka.
  • To stimulate demand oriented researches to uphold the Sri Lankan Tea Industry in the competitive world market.

Graduate Attributes

  • Graduates will have a rational attitude towards knowledge and understanding. They will be leaders in the production of new knowledge and understanding related to tea industry in broader sense through inquiry, critique and synthesis.
  • Graduates will be of innovative spirit to perceive consequential problems in a different angle and will come up with innovative solutions.
  • Graduates will be contributors of new knowledge creation through research and scientific inquiry.
  • Graduates will be able to make use of information effectively and efficiently to pursue their duties and will be effective communicators who would create relationship values through persuasion, negotiation and in furthering their career advancement