Take pride in contributing to the National Development
The Uva Wellassa University invites applications from potential candidates for the following posts on Assignment Basis with the required qualifications.
Post of Programmer cum Systems Analyst Gr. II (on Assignment Basis)
A first class or second class in the B.Sc. special degree in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering from a recognized University.
(a) A pass in the B.Sc. Special Degree in Computer Science /Computer Engineering from a recognized University.
A first or second class in the B.Sc. General Degree with Computing as a subject component from a recognized University.
One year experience in the field of Computing.
(a) A pass in the B.Sc. General Degree with Computing as a subject component from a recognized University.
A first or second class in the B.Sc. General Degree (where computing is not a subject component) from a recognized University.
Two years experience in the field of computing.
A pass in the B.Sc. General Degree (where computing is not a subject component) from a recognized university.
Three years’ experience in the field of computing.
Any other degree.
A Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science/Computer Technology from a recognized University.
One year experience in the field of computing.
15 years experience as a Computer Programmer in the University Service.
Method of Recruitment
Selection by a structured interview.
Period of Contract
The post is temporary for a period of a minimum of 06 months.
The salary for the post is Rs. 97,013.50/= (all-inclusive fixed salary) per month.
Age should be not less than 18 years and not more than 60 years.
How to Apply:
The duly completed application on prescribed forms together with the certified copies of relevant certificates and complete curriculum vitae should be sent under registered cover to reach the Senior Assistant Registrar, Human Resources Division, Uva Wellassa University, Passara Road, Badulla on or before 24th March 2025.
In addition, it is compulsory to submit your application via Google form, and the scanned copy of your application form should be uploaded to the Google form before the closing date. As follows:
- Curriculum Vitae
- National Identity Card
- All relevant academic and experience Certificates
Application form and Google form, preferred qualifications, and other relevant details can be obtained by visiting the University Website: https://www.uwu.ac.lk/
Incomplete applications, applications without supporting documents, and applications received after the closing date will not be considered. The University reserves the right to shortlist the candidates and call only such candidates for an interview.
For more details:
Senior Assistant Registrar/Human Resource – 055-3128944 / 055-3128945
Email: recruitment@uwu.ac.lk
Acting Registrar
Uva Wellassa University