Guidlines for Busness Plan Competition
Business Plan/ New Product Development Competition -2020
Rules and Regulation for the Competition
General Guidelines
- Business plan competition is open for all the undergraduates in Entrepreneurship and Management Degree Programme.
- New product development competition is open for all the undergraduates in Uva Wellassa University
- Individuals or teams are eligible for the Business Plan Competition and New Product Development Competition.
- The winning team will be the group which is having the overall highest marks.
- The decision of the panel members will be the final and will not be subjected to any change.
Rules for the Competition
- The allocated time for the presentation of the business plan/ new product development will be 10 minutes.
- The teams must submit their presentation in MS PowerPoint prior to the competition date (on or before 22nd July 2020) to
- Presentation is required to present via zoom video conferencing system
- Business plan/ new product can be presented individually or as a group
Evaluation Criteria
- Introduction of the Business Idea/New Product – 10%
- Uniqueness of the business idea – 20%
- Marketability and Sustainability – 20%
- Financial Feasibility – 20%
- Creativity of the presentation – 10%
- Question and Answering – 20%